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Radar project. An infrared distance sensor and an angle servo are used for the radar in this project. The distance sensor on top of the servo can rotate 180º. A light and a buzzer are also used as the alarm. Lego bricks are used for the structure of the build. This project is used for simulating and to learn how does a radar work to detect an object at a specified radius.

Plant Protector project. In this project, we will be displaying values from the input sensors as a gauge meter. We can achieve this by converting the input values as into an angle value output using servos. With this device, we will be able to understand what the plant requires for it to grow optimally. This plant monitoring system is also used in automatic hydroponic gardens and greenhouses.

Smart Car. The smart car can avoid obstacles ahead. The car will keep moving straight until an object is detected. The car will look to the left and to the right to find an empty path and it will decide to turn to avoid the obstacle, then it will continue moving straight. This is the most basic example of an autonomous car algorithm.

Pong Game. In this project we are using Samytronix Nano as a remote for our game. The game and animation is made using S4A, so we can use the computer monitor for our display output. We can use the analog knob (potentiometer) or use two buttons to move the paddle to the left and to the right. The project can be personalised by changing the ball, paddle, and the stage. For more fun, we can use two Samytronix to play this game in a multiplayer mode.

Automatic Trash Can. A really simple project that can be useful. A distance sensor is used to detect a hand in front of the trash can. If a hand is detected, a servo is attached to a wire that will pull the trash can lid open. The code parameters are adjusted so that the timing of the opening and closing of the lid suitable for throwing the trash. To smoothen the opening and closing, the output values of the angled servo must be adjusted too.

Samytronix + Otto. In this project, the Samytronix board is attached to the Otto DIY robot body. The programming can be done using mBlock with the Otto DIY extension. Adjust the pin numbers in the extension with the pin numbers of the Samytronix board. The robot can be experimented with different movements and also different sounds.

Going Further

After using the Samytronix kit using visual block programming (S4A, mBlock), then it is time to take it to the next level. Start modifying projects and personalise it the way you want it. Add challenges and complexity to your projects. With the fundamental of coding that you have learnt, it is easier to start text based coding in C/C++ with the Arduino IDE. Connect more sensors and actuators! Learn more about other open source hardware like the Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Leap motion, then combine them in your projects. Build anything you ever imagined, the possibility is endless. You have explored the world of coding and inventing! Happy making!

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